inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.


... Leaves brighten the day ... inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.

Leaves & breeze sway . . .
children of summer, at play.
In frolic & delight, they mature . . .
Then fade . . . and fall . . .
To again, become . . .
The Leaves . . . of ~ the ~ Day.

From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature,
photograpy, poetry and prose from Brad Kalita, founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.


Forward ~ The Remains of the Day.


Back ~ Sea Mounts in Mist.


Gathering Light ... on the Shores of Paradise. Inspirational writings, literature, spiritual insights: mysticism, meditations, out of body experiences, white light experiences, poetry, prose and music.