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Keep It SimpleWaking up I realized essentially what was keeping me from being whole and happy. Life and people are undeniably complicated, convoluted and seemingly impossibly incompatible. Yet paradoxically the most difficult problems have simple solutions; difficulty largely being a reflection of our own and other's misplaced values and overwrought consternation, yet such chronic dissonance and turbulence holds the greatest of individual liberating treasures: The resulting introspective realization of what is of greater lasting value, and determination with appropriate attitude and perspective to rise above all else ... one thing at a time – Not as hard as it would seem upon realizing in essence it’s the only way to becoming whole, and attain our own personal harmonious enduring happiness. BK Be SincereLive authentically. Be the person you truly are, and the sincerity of your efforts will bring a wonderful richness to your life. Ralph Marston | ||||
From the Harbors of Light Collection: Spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, daily meditations, | ||||