It would seem like children we need both time & experience to learn what is of greatest value. We are simply maturing and ignorance is our greatest fault and adversary for not being conscious enough of the magnificence of what we deprive ourselves of. It is hard to imagine anyone doing terrible or base things for long knowing how much more grand and enduring the inherent inward enrichment they're depriving themselves of - Besides becoming aware such negative pursuits eventually lead to personal tragedy as a stimulus to awaken, and to be pitied for being in darkness and very well may have a long suffering journey before seeing the light. The brightest which inevitably overcomes all - Being Love. Realizing this we can come to forgive ourselves for our short-comings even when willful, just as a child would be forgiven, thereby able to forgive others as we come to see them in ourselves, realizing their wonderful potential as our own, thereby naturally being drawn together towards a greater good. - bk |
From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature, nature |