In response to questioning of conventional religious beliefs: Jesus’s grace and sacrifice was great, yet if divine he had profound advantages: He knew where he came from, was going, purpose and all things, with the ability to perform miracles assuring eternal life and glorification. Unlike Christ secure and fortified with all-encompassing decisive knowledge I didn’t submit being born ignorant into a world of damned-if-you-do-or-don’t, having to choose between lesser of evils, resulting traumatization, contradictions, confusion, injustice and chaos and muddle through, and "sin" ... It’s a wonder to be still sane! I just want the opportunity to be accepted as an imperfect work and learn and grow as I go, which any loving or decent being/person should nurture or accept ... and just live modestly in peace and harmony - Which should be a birth-right for all things ... Nor trying by "good works to earn salvation" but rather for their own sake without further expectation of reward ... so what need or logic is there to being beholding or "saved"? Certainly if I were ever admitted to heaven upon observing the order sustained the greatest harmony and good I would conform and uphold, such benevolence already being of foremost aspiration ... And therefore in alignment and at peace in spite of personal shortcomings, which in my heart I know will along with others overcome. - bk A divine entity would not have the petty traits, egotism, subjugations, and inflexible technical judgments projected onto “him” and manipulated by people, but qualities of compassionate affinity, or devil as an entity used to excuse or explain the inexplicable. Yet consider, confusion could serve a higher purpose: Purification of motive ... or goodness for its own sake. Regardless of orientation it would seem cultivating an open heart, mind, progressive nature and aspirational focus on whatever brings about the greatest possible harmony to all things without further expectation of reward the more essential integral qualifying, comprehensive, and purifying essence of spirituality and transcendent human potential. The conventional Christian concept of salvation and crucification seems baffling. Was Christ’s sacrifice divine. Could such a love for humanity been demonstrated inspiringly yet in a less harsh, guilt/debt-laden manner? Was Jesus wondrously delusional in a beautiful way? Did disciples pass on biases through zealotry or exaggerate for greater personal sense of power, security/everlasting life, or others thereafter delete, distort embellish to feel special/superior, or exploit while projecting upon God lesser manipulatable human qualities ...the historical origins and evolvement of “the devil” scapegoated, while shown largely mythically and lacking motive ...for few worship the devil as an entity, rather power and money. Religions with by far with the greatest following are those having integral reward systems i.e. those that promise eternal bliss and other incentives for adhering to an assumed supreme doctrine. Though there are those of religious orientation with admirable motives, many delude themselves of having genuine love/devotion, the real fascination and motivation deriving primarily from the status and power of religious figures and promise of an eternally blissful after-life.Take away the trappings: …Business-as-usual insurance policy. Secure in being raptured and eternity bound beliefs based on faith rather than proven fact manifest into serious threats from a third of the world not sharing fully responsibility for critical issues such as over-population, environmental degradation and general long-term planetary sustainability. If there be a divine entity "he" would not have the petty traits, egotism, subjugations, and inflexible technical judgments projected onto "him" by people, but qualities of compassionate commonality. In the realm of the divine: Regardless of orientation it would seem cultivating an open heart, mind, progressive nature and aspirational focus on whatever brings about the greatest possible harmony to all things without further expectation of reward the more essential integral qualifying, comprehensive, and purifying essence of spirituality and human potential. |
From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature, nature |