inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.

One must be cautious of being too exclusive in outlook thereby limiting growth or
of expecting rewards in the hereafter. For the greatest peace and purification may very
well be derived from living life close to the heart while enduring without expectation
of further reward or incarnation. - bk

From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational Writings, Thoughts for the Day from Brad Kalita,
founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.

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Gathering Light ... on the Shores of Paradise. Inspirational writings, literature, spiritual insights, mysticism, meditations, out of body experiences, white light experiences, thoughts for the day, thoughts of the day, daily meditations, poetry, prose, artistry and music - author and composer, brad kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat.