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Rising Above The Solution ... The heart rather than the head will render | ||||
Be patient. Try to practice love in all its finer dimensions, and you will still be happy regardless of return and always have and "know love," even as you become ever more a part of it. You don't need faith, you just need to "love" Love is enough, and the most beautiful, precious and fulfilling of all things in the universe, and worthy of devotion ... just try and be there more often, until your always "there". There is no better place to be. ". . . and then all things will be given unto thee " When one finally lets go of it all, one gets to have it all. A paradox, yet crucial lesson for all. Perhaps the intended purpose of the world's confusion is purification of motive without expectation of reward. . . and falling in love with ourselves, not the vain self, but our Higher Selves, in other words, falling in love ... with Love. -bk | ||||
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Inspirational Writings and Original Music Available only with Internet Ex;orer. Music ~ Gon'na Make It ~ by Brad Kalita, author and composer Spirited Visionary Dreamscapes ~ Lost Horizons ~ Prince of Summer. | ||||