To achieve enduring happiness: inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.

A Simple Way to Health, Happiness & Fulfillment:

Simply stated: The more one is able to be in his or her higher, finer, greater self the happier, healthier & more fulfilled one will be - Having thereby largely transcended and resolved ones troubles, ego and desires, while naturally evolving towards an ever expanding state of well being, joy and purification.

From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature,
poetry and prose from Brad Kalita, founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.

Forward ~ Dreamers


Back ~ A part of something greater ...