Many conclude life doesn’t make sense and live accordingly. How can one reconcile negative experiences when at times no matter what perspective one takes there seems no redeeming lesson or benefit derived. Was it to simple "let go" and forgive as simply a victim or karmic debt (which often would seem misunderstood or unjust because presently you know you wouldn’t treat another likewise) or to build faith, yet faith can be constrictive and limiting while producing its own victims. So you are left with the discomfiting likeliness you will live the rest of your life in a state of subdued neurosis. So you search deeper, more comprehensively with the highest motives able ("seek and ye shall find" for "the truth is written in your hearts") to reconcile both the experience of the divine and contrary. Then you realize what would seem almost obvious given a larger perspective, that maybe the answer is an integral part of the chaos. The great lesson and intended realization to be derived is for one to do what's right for its own sake through purification of motive. Accepting Suffering as others have Suffered for us: From a greater perspective perhaps the reason for what we observe and experience as injustice is indeed just, considering learning valuable lessons to further awareness, compassionate affinity and thereby evolvement the greater natural or spiritual priority. - For just as others suffer directly or indirectly presently, in past lives or otherwise to advance our own humility and growth, in turn we may then un-be-known suffer for others to further greater understanding and well-being. Commitment to such sacrifices for the greater good may very well have been made in the interim by choice during higher levels of awareness. -bk |
From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature, |