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Within Simplicity often lies the greatest wisdom and surest path. Dealing with the manifestations of worldly ignorance and misunderstanding from a deeper, comprehensive, transcendent perspective: Competition, material gain, power, status…culturally derived values and gratification, inevitably one grows weary of such revolving superficialities, longing for that which brings lasting peace and fulfillment ... for surely life’s deeper meaning and purpose is to learn harmonious living and free ourselves ... in our hearts we know this true. As if having one foot on earth ... and one in heaven: Embracing all that is harmonious and sustaining in life, there is a natural integration, fondness and tenderness, where mere breathing, and just being become gracefully refreshing and wondrous; As if laying amongst a field of fragrant wildflowers swaying in the breeze ... innocent, youthful, and free of care. Slipping into the Autumn of life’s tempered calm and mild warmth; Feeling deeply life’s past seasons ... the glow of the sun’s rising after the cleansing rains ... the passage of time having distilling an essence, a richness and beauty beyond compare, undefined, yet meant to share: Goodness for its own sake ... here and now, without expectation or care. ~ bwk | ||||
From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for the day, literature, | ||||
Forward ~ Justice within Justice. |
Back ~ Dancing on the Wind. |
Lithia Park at Ashland, Oregon. Travel to beautiful Ashland, Oregon | ||||
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Inspirational Writings & Original Music with Scenic Highlights: Available only with Internet Explorer. Music ~ Now & Then ~ by Brad Kalita, author, composer Spirited Visionary Dreamscapes ~ Captain Adventure ~ Ocean Swells. | ||||