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It would seem reality as we think of it is as a dreamlike apparition Goodness & Happiness naturally follow & flow outward The hard times keep us a-growing while the good times keep us a-going. - bk One may come to liberating realizations but become discouraged in not being able to harness the will to actualize them. - Not taking into account the ability to overcome old attitudes, habits etc., may require further seasoning. - brad kalita Unhappiness is largly a result of the unwillingness to let go of such negative responses as anger, fear and guilt, rather than determing to just deal with such things as they occur calmly - In other words simply living in the moment in the one's higher nature ... positively transcending or resolving one thing at a time that would otherwise seem overwelming, thereby avoiding negative unproductive or detrimental inner-reactions. - bk I know I'm not what I ought to be, Just take it one step at a time, and everything will work out fine. - brad kalita Keep it simple, don’t just mull it over and over. By emptying one's self, each moment can be fully appreciated and transcendent qualities realized to achieve a mindful elevated awareness and "lightness of being." Exemplified in the Japanese tea ceremony as focused on the present and one, yet deeply aware of the sublime and timeless quality and integrity of the whole. - brad kalita ... And just remember too; Ageing into an affinity for all things, like the flower in spring, can blossom with the Fall and come to full bloom in the depth of Winter
...to then realize the truest meaning of innocence, and the Bible proclamation; "Heaven's at hand". - brad kalita Awaiting your open-minded/hearted discovery and presence:
The final "frontier", most precious treasures,
beauteous manifestations and ultimate state of being. - bk The more comprehensive idea of the purpose of life the better one will know as how to conduct oneself
and thereby avoid making the same mistakes or incurring other negative ramifications. - bk Do I want to become a leader or have my works revered ... I would much prefer to sit under a tree and marvel at the wonders of nature, The Ultimate State: Devastating perfection; You're growing old ... really old, falling apart, you avoid looking in the mirror. All your "friends" have let you down ... You're alone. Despite all your best efforts altruistic and otherwise
your talents have mostly gone unrecognized and endeavors fallen short or failed,
You've been subjected to a lifetime of abuse and injustice
... Meanwhile the world is going mad.
On your way to losing it all, you have nothing to look foreword to
while confused and unsure of what lies beyond
... Yet you're not bitter, nor do you struggle, but rather flow ... Making the most of it, facing it all with courage and determination
holding on to the good for its own sake while transcending the bad
... Still believing in all that is harmonious and finer greater nature of things.
Finally, as the darkness overtakes you, you discover a serenity, a light inside the core of your being
shining ever brighter - A happiness, peace, beauty and freedom beyond understanding
... An ultimate state of being. ~ bk Aspire to the highest levels of thinking, feeling and being to transcend We all have such incredible potential for that which we’ve always wanted and needed in our lives: For with the foremost desire for what brings about the greatest harmony for everything we could experience such things as an unsurpassable blissful flow of heavenly oneness, and love for and from all things, or in perfect serenity being tenderly caressed by living light. How Ironic we spend our lives seeking things that pale in comparison to such profound elevating experiences that leave no doubt as to what is most satisfying and of greatest worth in life, when with but a moment of proper ordered alignment of values we could realize so much more ... to then wonder; Could there ever be anything more fulfilling, beautiful or sublime, then become ... as a cup that runneth over. - brad kalita I consider myself neither an agnostic nor pantheist, for I'm only inclusive of reasonable intuitive viewpoints of compassionate affinity as possibilities to continue to expand harmonious personal and universal growth. - brad kalita When people ask divisive questions of my philosophy, I respond; I have said all that need be said at this time ( ...to bring about the greatest harmony ) - brad kalita Aspiring to be a leader? The higher one rises in the "greater self" the less affected one is by worldly affairs & hardships. - brad kalita Time & time again I am reminded one can only find true happiness & enduring fulfillment when "within the higher-self" ... while wondering what lesser impulses, cravings or distractions could have ever justified "leaving." - brad kalita
Aspire, set your goals as high and wide as conceivable. Fame and fortune should ultimately be used for the greater good ... thereby gaining the truest of riches. - brad kalita
Being in one's higher-self naturally manifests serenity, sweetness of life and bliss ... People may try all their lives to bring to fruition good things ... while Some Good Questions and Answers ? The "devil" as an entity, or hell as a place - Sounds like the stuff used to evoke fear to gain power over others - Besides how could anyone subscribe to such a vindictive belief, or a moral, compassionate or merciful God ever create or allow a place where anyone would be subject to eternal torment, let alone for those whose infraction may be as little as a natural state of confusion in a chaotic world. Christ set the highest ideal, yet in the face of the likes of Nazism Gandhi, the most successful of non-violent advocators admitted turning the other cheek would have proved disastrous -Likewise a couple having exhausted themselves trying to salvage an incompatible marriage - And if so many love Christ’s for his sterling character, why comparatively so few one such as Gandhi – Because Gandhi didn’t promise eternal life? So what’s the greater motivation: Christ or heaven? How about simply aspiring to whatever brings about the greatest harmony, - Or is this just too pure a perception and motive to be broadly marketable? It’s amazing the effort, resources and how many different angles, power status careers, possessions and otherwise people use to show themselves worthy of respect, be liked, or “saved”, yet the sorted results they receive - Often spending a lifetime trying. Yet regardless of social status what impresses most people is simple: To be shown kindness, respect, empathy, and sincerity. It’s ironic, but practicing such qualities naturally opens up opportunities for oneself - In other words; by being in our elevated selves we not only serve our own best interests, but others as well, thereby achieving a harmonious balance while enhancing greatly our well-being, success and fulfillment in life (…and beyond). "Without spirituality science is lame, and without It would seem experience & time are required to remind us of the infinite worth & wondrous beauty fully awakened upon deciding to dwell within our true "home." - brad kalita It seems a kind of self-destructive mechanism takes place amongst those who cannot find something more and greater than themselves to live for. - brad kalita Consolation for the weary: When looking ahead the road forward seems so long and unknown, yet when looking back you've come so far and learned so much. As the greater meaning of this unfolds bear in mind the possibility at any time a cumulative threshold or decisive insight could be reached in which that called enlightenment or heaven is realized and thereby liberation achieved. Therefore be comforted and at peace. - brad kalita Like the gentle purifying transformative effect of water on soiled or hardened surfaces over time...
I believe that which resonates truth, profound beauty, and the greatest good for all things, can change the world. - brad kalita Feeling Good: Feeling good tends to come naturally when you are doing good,
as it becomes internalized and something you take with you
and draw upon when things are not so good on the outside. - brad kalita "Of Life & Light" Since the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of everyone are interconnected one must always use a balanced holistic approach. Conventionally this means of course adequate activity/exercise to include stretching to stay limber and not overeating and healthy foods - Bearing in mind 80% of grocery stock foods are not really healthy, so one needs to be selective and preferably as vegetarian as able. Nurturing the relatively unexplored mental and spiritual aspect of our being is when unconventional methods can be successful in rounding out and bring balance and thereby well-being back into our lives. Here’s a practical method: Capture how you would feel if you were all you could be until it seems real. Then begin to disconnect from whatever things or desires that are making you feel that way (or really good!), yet maintain the same sense of well-being for its own sake, thereby realizing it was always there able to independently access or create. Then gradually integrate it into your everyday life filling “the void” with all that is good, "Of light and life". Such a simple yet effective approach could be stated as: Maintaining as much as able one’s focus on the highest level of thinking, feeling, being and good to transcend worldly cares and realize an aliveness never before experienced. - brad kalita Nurturing harmony, or "Life": A man on the simple path to wisdom and greater comprehension does not seek to feel superior, dominate or compete with others, but rather equanimity by interacting in a manner that all may be winners, content and equal ... Nor does he act in kind to those who would attack him, but by intent disarms while gently cultivating the seeds of friendship - Wanting for others all he desires for himself . . . his sincerity true, his serenity and foremost aspiration in life and satisfaction that which is of most value: The greatest possible harmony amongst all things, or that which nurtures life and "light" ... Universally the ultimate realization, fulfillment, and state of being. Try it . . . it works, and has a positive effect on others, while making you happy, healthy, and whole, along with aligning you with all that is worthy, of real power, harmonious and of enduring value, and with greater comprehension, expansion and refinement ... sets you free. - brad kalita Making life easier ... Keep it simple (simplify) ... one thing at a time. When experience in its entirety and highest expression the By its nature philosophy is prone to be more open and neutral versus science and religion while having the advantage of drawing from all disciplines.
When pure in motive and resonant with the greater truths circumventing conventional boundaries. Thereby deriving a greater more comprehensive understanding of the linear, beyond and whole of creation. - brad kalita Dedication to John O’Donohue, sage and author of "Beauty": Wisdom Tip: To gain greater comprehension and peace, and realize what’s really real ... the beauty of who you really are, one needs to go beyond the mind
and leave behind the ego ... into the heart and finer greater nature of all things. - brad kalita Another good tip: Everyone likes to experience pleasure, yet few realize what actually gives the greatest pleasures in life.
Much pleasure is passive, such as watching TV or listening to music which unless inspiring is both nonproductive and less pleasurable.
The greatest pleasures are interactive, advancing one’s abilities and self-worth ... especially when serving one’s finer nature and the greater good.
So if you want to get the greatest pleasures out of life be active involved in positive ways
... it’s so simple.- brad kalita Though classical physics ...i.e. Newton etc. gives a workable approximation of reality, at all levels quantum physics ultimately rules. Interesting that according to cutting edge physics it appears one can not only alter the present at the point of observation/interpretation accordingly but the past as well. Though how this can be applied practically specifically or even generally is presently far from clear. One interesting point of view is that if we can influence our personal reality mentally and psychologically to some degree it would be wise before passing over to focus our thoughts harmoniously on what desired reality to follow thereafter. ...While worth noting even upon experiencing the oneness of all things we fundamentally remain an individual grounded within the greater matrix and wonder of all creation. *Though I would prefer to believe behind all the chaos a purpose as well as some kind of moral and divine order ... which there is evidence to substantiate,
generally speaking reality seems to support more of a random, though overall ultimately progressive evolution on all levels for all things, both physically, mentally and spiritually.
- brad kalita Wisdom Tip ... Applied quantum physics ? : It would be wise to keep in mind proven studies regarding what we think and feel ... Being the mind and body tend to interpret thoughts and feelings as real and reacting accordingly. Which one can use to negative or positive affect i.e. Visually and emotionally walking down a beautiful path or working-out if bed ridden, sedentary or infirmed, practicing a sport, art or otherwise ... at times shown to be even more beneficial. Of course there are countless positive applicable areas one could imagine. Also bear in mind everyone does best what they love or like to do in their own unique way, therefore more likely to succeed in that area. So don’t put off for long dreams and aspirations, especially when of benevolent intent and truest to your
finer greater nature and thereby even more likely to realized.
For as shown experimentally in quantum physics we tend to get what we expect and create our own reality, therefore it would be wise to be very careful
what you gravitate towards and wish for, and wisely to aspire to that which embodies
by its nature the most enduring harmony and happiness for oneself
... Obtained only by doing the same for all. - brad kalita Wisdom tip: People often think, feel and comment what a tough life and world it is ... which is true from time to time.
The problem arises when they have a dog-eat-dog attitude, and use it as excuse to take advantage or abuse others.
The point being we have many examples of Hitlers to saints who in spite of difficult circumstances proved through determination one can choose
to think and act negatively ... and create our own hell, or positively, and do ourselves and others a great favor and be all we can be, and in a sense create our own heaven.
- brad kalita Most folks love their pets' personalities and devotion, while studies have shown all animals to varying degree feelings similar to humans and likewise can even be selfless and self-sacrificing. Yet humans hypocritically compartmentalize animals as though only some were worthy of care and compassion ... Rationalize numbing/dumbing livestock down, exploiting them in abusive factory farms to then unnecessarily be "harvested" (slaughtered) for consumption. Life being hard in the wild survival is serious business for animals while naturally being fearful of man they don’t seeming as loveable, therefore hunted and seen as only good for killing for "sport" depriving the majority of their affection and greater sense of community. This could all be turned around to the greater benefit of not only the animals but people by simply realizing their shared commonality and wonderful potential. Even the Bible has passages convey God’s affection and shared vision individually and as a whole for animals. So why do we continue to see them as sport, or property to use and consume? Time to make amends. Unnecessary suffering caused to other things through apathy, neglect or uncaring un-reconciled is fully accountable
and for learning purposes and harmonious evolvement eventually experienced likewise in the greater creational enfoldment.- bk
Much ignorance, dis-ease and strife is rooted in over-identifying things, others and self with form, body and ego
... The outer and temporal rather than deriving from within the deeper greater and truer nature of all things. - bk Don’t put off for long dreams and aspirations, especially when of benevolent intent and truest to your finer greater nature and thereby more likely to be realized. For as shown experimentally in quantum physics we tend to get what we expect and create our own reality, therefore it would be wise to be very careful
what you gravitate towards and wish for, and wisely to aspire to that which embodies
by its nature the most enduring harmony and happiness for oneself
... Obtained only by doing the same for all. - bk Wisdom Tip: Embracing all that is and gives life while making the most of circumstantial progressive lessons: Peace, beauty and happiness that defies all reason and understanding ... Something mankind has been searching for, for eons, and to the wise of more real and enduring value then the greatest worldly status, riches and power. Is it possible, achievable, and where does it come from? Like the elixir and essence of life springing up naturally from the depths its origins remains shrouded in mystery, yet surprisingly its obtainability simple and clear: Goodwill ... Genuine goodwill towards all things. It’s never too Late or too Soon: Yet there is a surmountable "catch"; It can only fully be achieved when the seeker's intent is truly for the good of all. Regardless, its comprehensive benefits attract worthwhile interest, which can place one on a wondrous path of discovery, in which eventually enough insight is gained to realize ... You wouldn’t want it any other way then for the greater good of all. "Seek and ye shall find". - bk But give me most in life, Comprehensive Knowledge ... As broad, deep and high as possible. - brad kalita Wisdom Tip: The simple and innocent will see and know "The Light" ... through humility. - bk Assuming one knows something by faith alone closes the door to other possibilities
... what’s really real, the larger reality and greater harmony further understanding can bring. - bk "Space" ... The Last Frontier ? ... But why spend trillions, be dependent on a myriad life support systems, risk life, and spend decades in suspended hibernation while in flight when people inherently within already freely have the natural technical "equipment" and potential to personally explore it all from their room or otherwise? And what about inner-space, multi-dimensional space, and why limit oneself to just outer-space, or any kind of space? But rather aspire to the final, truest, greatest of frontiers: The ultimately blissful state of non-space; The unified field and oneness of all. All of which can be realized naturally by simply connecting from within
and without through the heart with the finer universal essence of life,
then flow with, and blissfully merge, to ultimately continually experience
the most wondrously magnificent state of being of them all. - bk Wisdom Tip: ... The Wise Fool Faithless Faith ... The "White Light" is purity and purifying while the "Golden Light" richness and enriching. - bk And so as the sorrow and despair in our hearts continues be precipitated and to mount and our darkest hour has arrived
we find ourselves leaving the abyss of ignorance behind ... Forever, to rediscover innocence;
The blossoming of the seeds of light in our innermost being, and threshold, of our final ... And greater destiny. - brad kalita Things of Beauty Wisdom Tip: People place much emphasis on being attractive physically and otherwise for the wrong reasons with superficial results, when real transformation is attained naturally ... Unfolding and blossoming as a flower from the inside out when striving harmoniously for beauty and the greater good for all. Most people don’t realize what they're missing when genuinely doing good without expectation of reward.
... For all good thereby done and intended is retained and radiated naturally within oneself
as a serenely comforting sublime light and sweetness of life having a wondrous effect on ones entire well-being
... Which may very well be The Great Lesson and purifying higher purpose of the chaos and confusion experienced on earth. - bk Wisdom Tip: People do all kinds of things to have a sense of continuum or feel they're on the path to some sort of salvation:
Join groups, take courses, endlessly study "sacred" texts, meditate, fast, make sacrifices, become martyrs
or even crucify themselves to prove their devotion, never seeming to realize ... It’s so Simple.
Having grown weary and disillusioned with the superficial one finally through purification of motive
deeply aspires and aligns oneself empathetically and compassionately
with what’s of most value ... The greatest harmony possible for all things (... and for its own sake)
... Like gravitating to like, enlightenment and the realization of the immortality of the cultivated and refined heart and soul
then with time, comes naturally ... like water flowing into the ocean - bk I feel as though pregnant ... as if I could feel a child move within, but rather thaen an entity, spontaneous pure energy
... Awaiting the moment of maturation, to emerge, blossom forth and flourish ... and inwardly and outwardly ... Be all it can. -
brad kalita A moment of rare beauty: Meditation/prayer: The usual path people take is to follow a traditional or established method,
while some experiment or strike out anew. Being of the latter, and like others finding something that works
return to the same pattern anticipating similar results. Yet for some unknown reason often unable experience
what was previously achieved. Finally after much consternation I found by just simply following what ever comes naturally
and then just going with the flow, as a whole seemed to produce the best results
... With the added bonus of often being a new adventure. - bk Neither the fundamental essential truth and diversity of truths in life can be
derived intellectually, integrated or adequately understood by the mind ... Only experientially within one’s entire being
- Naturally manifesting spontaneously as one begins to place harmony and good foremost
not only for one’s self but all things ... Thereby evoking a un-fragmented complementary unified comprehension and "being-ness"
- Though varied details will linger for further learning and purification of motive. - bk Knowledge ... without need of thought, word or book: What an unlikely and seemingly absurd way to gain knowledge ... Yet this has always been the purest, most relevant, meaningful and natural way
the greatest and most comprehensive "knowledge" in life has been conveyed and acquired from the common man to the physicist or saint.
... By simply being sincere, compassionate and happiness for its own sake, while seeking the greatest possible harmony with and for all things. - brad kalita When a master was questioned what seeking enlightenment was like, he humorously replied, "Its like riding the ox while looking for the ox."
... Which I think is a very good analogy. - brad kalita The dreams of youth, if realized, often turn out to be the regrets of maturity, laying the ground-work for truer and greater dreams
... So don’t give up on dreams. - bk Scientists are finding parallels which eastern perspectives have long known: the ultimate reality on the finest levels is neither mechanistic nor conventionally predictable, but rather a constantly dynamic fluctuating interwoven "living" whole. Both "mystics" and physicists are experts in these converging fields ... One looking from the inside-out while the other from the outside-in, yet, though humankind needs both, it’s uncommon for either to grasp a complementary need for collaboration or integration to gain the most balanced practical, as well as spiritual comprehensive understanding of the nature of life and universe. Note: The label "mystic" can be replaced with other names depending on ones cultural orientation or perspective. - bk Rather than God making man in his image it would seem humanmankind has made God in his image
... With many of the same closed and narrow minded shortcomings, thereby not having to live up to a more comprehensive, inclusive,
tolerant and compassionate standard.
While some have made God’s image that of man’s finest and greater potential nature
... which is probably more in alignment with what God would have in mind. - brad kalita Wise men have expressed in various ways the comprehensive nature of life as a tree;
With the leaves, branches and trunk representing the arts,
sciences, religions and philosophies, while the roots grounded in purity
... The life force, essence or universal transcendent spirit. - bk Wisdom Tip: Focus on resolution or the lesson needed to be learned rather then the problem
or who’s right or wrong ... And remember; Going on the attack, in turn ... Makes you the target. - bk Life ... The bottom line: What everyone really wants or needs most in life is to be at peace and have happiness,
though most are misguided or not very thoughtful about how to realistically achieve this, often setting their sights
on the material or otherwise superficial to ultimately find it’s never enough, short-lived or be otherwise disillusioned.
Yet some dedicated souls truly commit themselves to being positively pro-active in spite of it all.
Although an admirable aspiration, yet by such an attitude and approach tend to set themselves up for an ongoing battle,
rather than a state of "being" resulting from simply deciding to focus on being happy and harmonious above all else for its own sake.
... Taking on and make the most of situations one at a time, defusing adversity while just flowing with present circumstances.
So keep it simple; For you can’t understand or reconcile all the convoluted difficulties and injustices of life ... but keeping it simple helps. - bk Happiness Without Reason Naturally Reveals Its Own "Reasons" ... Yet to be truly whole let us not forget Goodness, Peace and Beauty as well for their own sake. - Like the "silver lining" in the clouds and sparkle in the summer waters - See it, Feel it ... Be it. Timeless, priceless, elevating wisdom ... Awaiting discovery. - bk What a wonderful way to awaken at night ! Lately nights have been quite an adventure, unlike the past when awakening with endless thoughts of more often then not inconsequential meanderings I’ve been immersed with feelings of the most positive nature. My last was as if many different forms of life were ...The closest I can describe, touching different parts on my body ... like when a dog touches their nose in greeting - As if I were in some kind of unified field without physical barriers or boundaries of and freedom of expressions of affinity. I can just open up my heart and mind and some variation or something entirely new spontaneously takes place. The only explanation I can think of is; Having a strong affinity and intense desire to harmoniously commune with all things. Such a wonderful journey and blessing ... Like a dream come true ! - bk Beautiful Vision: Though there’s much worldly to be concerned about, don’t allow cynicism, anger or fear to take hold.
For there’ll truly come a time of re-unification and compensation - When all perceived injustices
will be satisfactorily reconciled and understanding of unrevealed higher purposes served,
along with a "place" to share, care, grow and realize your greater family.
Where you’ll harmonize and "talk" with the animals, trees, beings from afar ... even the stars.
Where celestial breezes caress, while "Living Light" guides and illuminates
your ongoing journey of ever-greater understanding and compassion; To ultimately become as one.
- If you’ll just carry-on and keep trying, you’ll eventually know and have it all.
Meanwhile, while still on your earthly learning home, try to be happy, at peace, and kindly
towards all things by simply goodness for its own sake - You’ll be amazed how it’ll improve
your character, relationships, lighten your burdens and enhance your well-being
- Clearing the way to a clarity of vision ... And finer, and "Far Greater Destiny". - bk Women have it rough culturally if not physically attractive, yet they're the ones to admire most,
for when they eventually rise above it all they become truly beautiful, and someday destined to have it all. - bk Let’s be honest with ourselves: We are now rapidly making the planet a wasteland. Humankind has shown itself, with some exceptions, as a whole to be like parasitic disease upon the planet ... to include most of both the religious and non-religious, with only animals by nature and human children by age excused. My father once told me; Always try to leave things as least as good as you found them - While personally feeling one should try to leave things even better. Don’t you think its well past time to start getting one’s priorities right ... Before it's too late. - brad kalita | ||||
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