inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.


a stop in the redwoods of northern california: Gathering Light ... a collection of sensual, spiritual, visionary dreamscapes, inspirational writings: poetry, short stories, prose and music. meditations, muses and mysticism, an esoteric journey of soul seeking transformation in white light experiences, out of body experiences, thoughts of the day, thoughts for the day, daily meditations, spiritual encounters and the divine from brad kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat.

Taking our brightly colored van, we'd seek out other uniquely scenic spots to explore, such as a majestic ancient forest within the  "See - Can't - Yous " mountain ranges. Hiking beside brook & stream & colonnades of fir & pine bathed in the morning light, the peace almost surreal, it's as if in a sense we'd entered another world ... a lost Garden.


Nightfall would find us camping under the forest's canopy, star gazing, at times the heavens seemed almost animate as if telepathically twinkling esoteric messages of great knowledge & beauty. Now & then we'd happen upon a hot spring the healing waters, soothing & washing our cares away, re-uniting us with a sense of the interconnectedness of all life.

I can still feel the gentle breeze caressing my tan glistening, skin laying amongst the smooth warm boulders ... the soothing intonations of the flowing waters ... the wafting leaves of the madrona, oak & maple forming portals along the river's meandering path.


From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, short stories, meditations,
poetry and prose from Brad Kalita, founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.

Forward ~ Sweet Dreams, page 6.


Back ~ Sweet Dreams, page 4.

Gathering Light ... on the Shores of Paradise. Inspirational writings, literature, spiritual insights, mysticism, meditations, thoughts for the day, daily meditations, thoughts of the day, spiritual inspiration, out of body experiences, white light experiences, enlightenment, thoughts for the day, thoughts of the day, spiritual insights, short stories, spiritual inspiration, poetry, prose & music.